FORM Pre-Screening STEP 1 of 7 14% Let's start with a 30 second pre-screening. Tell us about your condition and any previous treatment to determine if plant alternatives are right for you. All your information is secure and confidential, so please be as open and honest as you can. Firstly, do you have a medical condition that has been causing you distress for 3+ months? Yes No TGA guidelines state you must have a medical condition for 3+ months to qualify for plant medicine. Some examples include chronic pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, migraine. Great, and how have you tried treating your condition? Prescription medication Alternative therapies including (but not limited to) physiotherapy, psychological therapy, chiropractor, naturopath and osteopaths I have not treated because I dislike prescription medication, and haven't considered other therapies I have not treated my condition Under TGA guidelines you must have tried other treatments before you can be considered for plant medicine. Now a little more about your treatment. During your treatment, were you.. Unsuccessful in fully treating your condition Experiencing unwanted side effects Self-treating through non-prescribed cannabis Able to treat your condition fully without cannabis TGA guidelines further require that these other treatments must have failed to provide relief or had unwanted side effects. Select the answer which best applies to your situation. And to check, are you pregnant? Yes No Do you have a history of schizophrenia, bipolar type 1 and 2 disorder or have experienced psychosis? Yes No Psychosis - a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality. Thank you, just one last thing! Please share your email address and we'll share your results.Email(Required) Privacy Notice(Required) I consent to the collection, storage and use of my personal information in accordance with the Privacy Notice. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time.