Our mission is to actively support our patients facing barriers in accessing and using natural therapies. We love listening to your stories, striving to gain a deeper understanding of your unique situations.

Help Change Australia's Unfair Driving Laws
Current driving laws strike fear and anxiety into many patients who benefit from alternative medicines as they face loss of license or potential fines if caught with THC in their system.
At CannaDash we don’t believe patients should have to make the choice between driving or taking their prescription medications. That’s the reason why we want fairer laws that treat natural medicines like all other prescription medications.
United together we believe we can help change our driving laws and make a difference for the hundreds of thousands of Australians who benefit from alternative medicines.
Click here to support driving reform.

Reducing the Stigma of Natural Medicines
Australia’s first Medicinal Cannabis Awareness Week took place the 20th-26th of February 2023 with the main theme ‘It’s about being well, not about being high.’ We believe reducing the stigma associated with alternative medicines is essential to increasing access to people in need.
A 2019 Federal Government senate enquiry recommended that a public awareness campaign was necessary to champion educational programs for natural medicines. We would like to see the study of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) added to the curriculum of all health professionals to increase understanding and awareness in students.

Removing Barriers to Accessing Natural Medicines
At CannaDash we believe there should be uniform regulatory rules across all states and territories in Australia, increased availability of healthcare professionals willing to prescribe and reduced financial costs associated with obtaining access to alternative medicines.
We would like to see equitable access for all Australians — including those in rural locations.
Find out more here.