Natural medicines come in many different forms. Depending on a person’s medical conditions, experience and personal preference, a Doctor can help select the most appropriate formulation to improve both compliance and treatment outcomes. Here are some common dosage forms for natural medicines:
Dried Flower
Dried flower is derived from the cannabis plant and contains compounds such as cannabinoids (THC and CBD) and terpenes that are activated via vaporisation. Vaporisation involves heating dried flower material to a temperature that releases the active compounds without combustion. This method offers rapid onset of action, which lends itself towards cases where rapid relief is required.
When preparing dried flowers for administration, it is recommended to use a herb mill to grind the dried herb to a finer state. This creates more surface area that allows more active compounds to be released upon vaporisation.
The dosage depends on the volume placed in the vaporiser, temperature and duration. Click here to learn more about the potential benefits of vaping.
Oils and Oral Solutions
Oil preparations are a concentrated extract that contain different ratios of CBD, THC, terpenes and other cannabinoids. These ratios are divided into three categories:
1. Isolate (only contains CBD or THC)
2. Broad Spectrum (contains CBD and other minor cannabinoids, but does not contain THC)
3. Full Spectrum (contains CBD, THC and other cannabinoids)
An oil preparation will typically come in a bottle with a dropper or dosing syringe that allows for easy and precise dosing. Under a Doctor’s direction, the oil can be administered under the tongue for optimal absorption.
Regardless of which type of oil is prescribed, they are typically more slowly absorbed. Effects are generally delayed for 30 – 90 minutes. Bioavailability of oral cannabinoids is low (10-20 per cent) because of intestinal and first pass liver metabolism. Peak effects can occur two to four hours after consumption. Given the longer time frame, it is important to allow at least three hours between administration of single oral doses to avoid possible overdose. Effects can last eight hours and as long as 24 hours. Given the slower onset and longer duration, it is expected that taking natural medicine products orally would be more useful for medical conditions or symptoms where control over longer periods of time is sought – similar to the use of slow release medications.
Similarly to oils, capsules offer a convenient and precise dosing method without the preparation that is required for a dried flower. Capsules contain a set amount of CBD and/or THC and have a similar pharmacodynamic profile to oils, resulting in similar dosing intervals.
Topical Formulations
There are a few CBD topical formulations that a Doctor may consider appropriate for certain conditions. THC is not generally well absorbed via the skin, which is why most topical formulations contain CBD/CBN which are 10 times more permeable.
The time of onset and duration of action are unknown. There have been some reports of rash and itching, when the skin has come into contact with cannabis products.
In Summary
It is important to consult with a Doctor before using natural medicines. Doctors play an essential role in identifying the optimal dose and formulation – enhancing medication adherence, improving health outcomes and ensuring a positive patient experience.